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Economic Support to NK Should Not Be Implemented Without Human Rights Improvement

Economic Support to NK Should Not Be Implemented Without Human Rights Improvement

Posted February. 25, 2004 23:28,   


On February 24, the religious and human rights organizations of the United States took a step forward to raise an objection on the U.S.’ policy to provide economic support to North Korea while, currently, improvements in human rights and religious freedom have yet to be carried out.

The North Korea Freedom Union, organized by the religious and human right organizations, held a press conference at Washington on this day and urged, “At the table of the six-nation talks, the United States should clarify that it will not support any economic support to North Korea if it does not improve its state of human rights.”

Sandy Laos, the president of North Korea Freedom Union, Susan Salty, the chief of Defense Forum, and Park Se-kwang, the chief of Aegis Foundation, an organization for North Korean refugee’s human rights, collectively disclosed that they have sent documents stating, “While discussing the nuclear weapons issue, the infringement of human rights carried out in North Korea should not be ignored.”

The U.S. Council of Southern Baptist Church and Religion Freedom Committee have asserted on their document sent to President Bush on February 15 that, “(Without any improvement in human right state), the U.S. should not provide any economic support to North Korea unless they consent to ceasing any weapons of mass destruction activity.”

On the other hand, the North Korea Freedom Union will demonstrate in front of the Congress in Washington on April 28 to encourage the passage of the North Korea Freedom Bill. One thousand people, including 20 North Korean refugees and 35 non-governmental organization employees, are expected to participate in this demonstration.
