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[Editorial] Roh Understands the Current Situation Such an Improper Way

[Editorial] Roh Understands the Current Situation Such an Improper Way

Posted February. 24, 2004 23:16,   


In a conference hosted by the Korean Broadcasting Journalists’ Club to mark President Roh Moo-hyun’s one-year inauguration anniversary, President Roh stressed two points: his performance appraised on unfair grounds and a direct appeal for public support for the pro-government Uri Party. It is very disappointing to see how President Roh understands the current situation and the manner to which he responds.

The approval rating for his administration for the past year stands at the lowest ever-30 percent. The most cited reason for the low approval rating is his lack of leadership. However, President Roh stressed that the approval rating could be a reflection of the public’s liking, not the public’s estimation on the performance, for the president. He added some press unfairly underestimated his performance based on their dislike of him.

“I have successfully carried out my mission without severe mistakes contrary to some conservatives’ concerns,” President Roh said. How can the country’s chief executive feel relieved only by the fact that he has not made severe mistakes? It would be useless for us to point out the disorder, conflict, and economic downturn that we encountered during the past year when the chief executive unreasonably understands the current situation.

President Roh is eager to win the general elections in April. He called on the nation to show its support for Uri Party in the upcoming election, saying, “I believe people are able to show whether they want me to perform well during the remainder of my term or want me to step down through their votes in the election.” He seems to decide on the timing of joining the de-facto ruling Uri Party and confidence vote after weighing the potential effect it will have on the outcome of the elections.

It is important for the president to win as many seats as possible in the National Assembly. In a conference to look back on the past year, however, he should have reflected on his conducts with more humility to comfort people and to fuel optimism. It is no wonder for him to be criticized for illegal election campaigning by taking advantage of broadcasting.

President Roh should learn how to read the public opinion. He should stop complaining about people’s appraisal for his performance. It is deplorable to see that he realizes the status quo so inappropriately even after he has spent one year in office.