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Roh Camp’s Illegal Funds Increase to 9.8 Billion Won

Posted February. 24, 2004 22:58,   


It is being reported that Uri Party congressman Chung Dai-chul was charged to have been offered an additional 620 million won in illegal political funds from Korea Air Lines (KAL) in the 2002 presidential election campaign.

The prosecution confirmed that 500 million won out of 620 million won flowed to the presidential candidate Roh Moo-hyun’s election polling committee, but since the rest, including 50 million won delivered in cash, was not clear in its use, prosecutors are investigating the possibility of Chung’s appropriating the money.

The Central Investigation Headquarters of the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office (President Ahn Dae-hee) said on Tuesday, February 24 that they confirmed during the election campaign of the presidential candidate of the Millennium Democratic Party that KAL vice president Shim Yee-tack handed Chung 50 million won in March, 20 million won in September, and 550 million won early December before the presidential election.

Accordingly, the total amount of illegal funds Chung received increased to 1.8 billion won, and the illegal election campaign funds of presidential candidate Roh’s camp also grew to a total of 9.8 billion won, including 50 million from KAL.

The prosecution again notified legislator Rhee In-je (United Liberal Democrats Party member), who is under suspicion of receiving 250 million won from the Grand National Party, to appear on February 26, after he refused his second summons. The prosecution decided to request an arrest warrant for Rhee if he continues to refuse summons again on February 26.

This morning the prosecution also summoned and investigated Rep. Shin Gye-ryun (Open Uri Party member) who received 300 million won from the private money lending firm Good Money. The prosecution was known to indict Shin without his physical restraint, judging that the 200 million Shin returned to Good Money and 50 million won he handled as a receipt come under the heading of illegal political funds.

In relation to President Roh’s statement that “he might have spent about 100 million won during the campaign period of electing the presidential candidate of the MDP” in an interview with a broadcast journalists club, the prosecution revealed that “our investigation team will consider the president’s remarks and investigate the case the MDP accused the president.”

Tae-Hoon Lee jefflee@donga.com