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Anpung Fund Delivered Directly to Kang Sam-jae

Posted February. 23, 2004 22:43,   


Kim Ki-sup, a dependant of the so-called Anpung scandal, who was Angipu’s deputy director, claimed, “The funds came from Angipu, the predecessor to the National Intelligence Service (NIS) and I provided the money directly to then-secretary general of the ruling New Korea Party (NKP), Rep. Kang Sam-jae.”

Recently, Kang said at a trial on appeal case, “I received the money from Kim Young-sam, then-president and NKP chairman, firsthand.” Kim’s statement was the reaction against Kang’s assertion. As the both sides are sharply divided, the case has become more shrouded in mystery.

Kim handed in a seven-page statement with his own handwriting to the court.

Kim said, “What I said is a secret between Kang and I. I never reported it formally to President Kim Young-sam.” He refuted some people’s assertion that the money came from former president’s slush fund by saying, “The fact can be revealed by tracing accounts without difficulty.”

“It’s nonsense. When I met him at the prison last September after the first trial decision, he said to the effect that he had not delivered the funds.” Chung In-bong, Kang’s lawyer said, spurning Kim’s statement.

The Anpung scandal is the one that involves 94 billion won from the Agency for National Security Planning, the former state spy agency, being used to finance the NKP’s 1996 general election campaign. At the first trial, a district court sentenced Kang to four years in prison and told him to pay 73.1 billion won in fines. Kim received a five-year prison term and an order to pay 12.5 billion won in fines.

Soo-Kyung Kim skkim@donga.com