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Roh Will Amend Political Reform Laws After Election

Posted February. 20, 2004 22:26,   


President Roh Moo-hyun said on Friday that he planned to amend the laws of political parties, political funds and elections as a part of his political reform after the end of the general election.

During a promotional event for decentralization held in Chonju, North Cholla Province, in which 234 mayors of cities, districts and counties across the nation participated, Roh promised that he would nominate the recommendees of four local governments for the members of a local decentralization committee, and that he would soon launch the third session of a presidential commission on devolution promotion for local authorities, ensuring that laws for overall devolution to the local area will be instituted within the year.

For this purpose, he explained that the government will operate a system that regularly examines and evaluates the decentralization process, and that the government will also move to reform the self-administrative educational system, vitalizing local legislative activities, consolidating national subsidies and encouraging administrative authorities.

President Roh added, “The government will make efforts in full force to create long-term dynamics in provincial areas by means of constructing local innovative systems using the resources of local universities.” After attending the event, Roh made a visit to a chicken manufacturer, the Harim Company, and met with the staff. Also, he delivered a congratulatory address at the commencement of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology located in Yusung-gu in Daejon city.

Meanwhile, the National Mayors and Governors Committee has resolved 10 issues during the regular meeting, such as excluding primary administration leaders from political party recommendations, expanding autonomous rights for local administrations and increasing local funds.

With regard to the president’s activities, the Millennium Democratic Party’s vice- spokesman Chang Jeon-hyung criticized Roh’s nationwide trips to Busan, Daegu, Daejon, Kwangju, and Chonju, saying that the president is tainting the election by traveling and appealing for local support ahead of the general election.