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On the Suspicion of the Illegal Funds in the Presidential Election

On the Suspicion of the Illegal Funds in the Presidential Election

Posted February. 13, 2004 22:39,   


The Central Investigation Division of the Supreme Public Prosecutor`s Office (General Prosecutor Ahn Dae-hee) announced they set out to investigate a loaning agency, Good Money, on the suspicion of providing illegal funds in the presidential election proposed in the hearing of the National Assembly on February 13. Prosecutors uncovered evidence that the Grand National Party received 4~ 5 billion won of illegal funds from major companies in the 2002 presidential election this day and are also investigating the source of these funds.

Prosecutors allotted the incident of providing illegal funds in presidential election to a third central investigation division and decided to examine recruiter Kim Jin-hee and the others further as a reference for determining the credibility of the testimony at the hearing.

At the congress hearings held on February 12, “In November and December of 2002, I have seen the employees, under the direction of the former representative of Good Money, Kim Young-hoon, packed 200 million won in five travel suit cases (total 1 billion won). I am assured that the money was delivered to the political world such as Congressman Shin Gye-ryun belonged to Open Uri Party,” remarked Kim. Prosecutors are planning to confirm the suspicion whether Good Money actually delivered the money to then-candidate Roh Moo-hyun and if the Grand National Party was provided six billion won in illegal funds. Prosecutors are concentrating on arresting Kim, the representative of Good Money, on charge of fraudulent lending for an identified criminal.

Prosecutors said the illegal funds of 4~5 billion won which the Grand National Party was given was all cash, and there is a high possibility that Samsung provided it, but there is still some possibility that other companies may have done so.

On the other hand, the additional issuance of 17 billion won worth of bonds that Samsung provided to the Grand National Party was revealed to have been transferred from July or August to December in 2002 via the lawyer Seo Jung-woo (arrested) who was charged with a law advisor from the previous president of the Grand National Party. Prosecutors are investigating on the use of this money.

Prosecutors summoned Kim Jin-jae this morning who took responsibility as chairman of an extraordinary functional committee during the presidential election and called Kim to account for collecting several billion won from the local companies in the Busan area and giving it to the major party.

Wi-Yong Jung viyonz@donga.com