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Kerry Wins 12 Out of 14 States in U.S. Democratic Primary Race

Kerry Wins 12 Out of 14 States in U.S. Democratic Primary Race

Posted February. 11, 2004 23:20,   


Northern senator John Kerry engulfed the south’s vote, resulting in a consecutive wins in the U.S. Democratic presidential nomination race.

As Kerry’s nomination for the candidacy becomes clear, the Republicans began to set their election strategy with the assumption that they will run against Kerry.

-The results of preliminary election

Kerry received 52 percent of the vote in Virginia and 41 percent of the vote in Tennessee, making him number one in both. This shows his power to be appealing to the South as well.

Second place was given to southern senator John Edwards, who received 27 percent and 26 percent in Virginia and Tennessee respectively.

Former North Atlantic Treaty Organization general Wesley Clark announced his withdrawal from the race after placing third in the two states.

Howard Dean, who fell to fourth place, changed his mind and announced that he will continue with the election due to his supporters’ strong pressure after his declining declaration in the Wisconsin preliminary race on January 17. Following this, it seems as though the Democratic nomination will be decided on “Super Tuesday,” March 2, when the election will be carried out in ten states.

-Bush’s election strategy

George W. Bush’s headquarters recently held an election counter plan meeting and decided to launch a TV commercial campaign aimed at Kerry using part of a huge campaign fund raised for the election.

According to Newsweek, the commercial will paint Kerry as a left winger who insists on a tax raise, expenditure enlargement, who objects to capital punishment, abortion, and who has a weak spot for criminals.

The Bush camp criticized Kerry’s security view by stating the fact that while working as a senator, Kerry insisted on a cut in the intelligence service and national defense budget. They also have decided to highlight Kerry’s positive opinions towards abortion and homosexual marriage.

Furthermore, they have decided to make Kerry out as a “bourgeois progressive,” backing their opinion with Mrs. Kerry’s luxurious mansion and monetary trade in his family.

-Kerry’s strategy

Kerry, who is busy with his continuous elections, has not yet established his presidential election strategy. He is preparing to show that he is different from Massachusetts’s presidential aspirant Michael Dukakis, a candidate who lost the presidential election due to a severe Republican campaign in 1988.

In the same vein, Kerry supports the attack against Bush not going into the army. Kerry, a hero of the Vietnam War, is running an “I’m different from Bush” campaign using support from veterans.

They decided to counterattack the Bush’s criticism of Kerry’s stance against the death penalty with the fact that he worked against crimes and arrested murderers and criminal syndicate bosses when he was a prosecutor.

On top of that, Kerry plans to win over southern voters the fluid Midwest by concentrating on jobs, economy, health insurance, and education issues.
