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U.S. Says, “Libyan Missiles are Like NK’s”

Posted January. 30, 2004 23:26,   


The United States has confirmed the Libyan ballistic missile was a copy of the North Korean “Rodong Missile,” the Kyodo News Agency reported from Washington on January 30, quoting an official from the U.S. government.

The U.S. government is having the guidance system of the Libyan Scud missile analyzed by experts after having obtained it on January 27. Libya had once declared it would disarm weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Kyodo News reported that the statements of the official supported the experts’ assertion that North Korea had offered Libya technology for a short-range ballistic missile, so-called the “Scud C.”

The news agency also indicated the U.S. would increase its pressure on North Korea to scrap not only their nuclear program but also any missile development that could be a way of transporting nuclear weapons.

U.S. State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher revealed on January 30 that the U.S. would confirm if the Nigerian government had accepted the offer to buy up-to-date technology from North Korea. Boucher said, “The U.S. government will be able to make its position clear after contacting the Nigerian government.”
