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Allies Open Talks on North Korea Nuclear Issue

Posted January. 20, 2004 23:14,   


South Korea, the United States, and Japan will have a two-day meeting in Washington on Wednesday to discuss the second round of six-way talks on North Korea’s nuclear issue. “Our delegation will attend the consultative meeting after arriving in the U.S. and meeting with senior officials on Wednesday,” Lee Soo-Hyuk, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, said on Tuesday. “During the meeting, the three will coordinate positions on the specific matters for the second round of talks based on Seoul-Tokyo consultation on January 14 and the Seoul-Washington talks on January 13.”

“The three countries believe the next talks should open as early as possible, and we may have another consultation when the schedule for the six-party talks is fixed,” he said.

Meanwhile, National Security Advisor Ra Jong-il visited Japan on Tuesday to discuss resumption of the second round of six-way talks. He will meet with Japan’s Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda on Wednesday.

Young-Sik Kim spear@donga.com