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The KFBA, Recommended Two Prosecutor Candidates for a Special Probe Today

The KFBA, Recommended Two Prosecutor Candidates for a Special Probe Today

Posted December. 14, 2003 23:08,   


Park Jae-seung, the Chairman of the Korean Federal Bar Association (KFBA), said on December 14 that it selected two prosecutor candidates for a special probe targeting presidential aides. The KFBA will recommend them to President Roh Moo-hyun within the next day after getting their consent.

The party concerned said that day, “We have selected two special probe prosecutor candidates who have the confidence of the members of the KFBA and are also apolitical, but it is not appropriate for us to reveal their names before the official recommendation process is complete.”

The KFBA has been considering Sim Jae-ryun, former head of the Central Investigation headquarters of the Supreme Public Prosecutor`s Office (the 7th Judicial examination lawyer); Lee Sin-seop, former associate judge of Seoul District Court (the 14th Judicial examination lawyer); and Park Jae-kwon, former superintendent Public Prosecutor (the 16th Judicial examination lawyer) for recommendation for the mean time.

The president will appoint one special probe prosecutor out of the two recommended by the KFBA.

Sang-Rok Lee myzodan@donga.com