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Proclaim to Launch the Special Counsel Probe

Posted December. 05, 2003 22:39,   


Cheong Wa Dae will announce the launch of an independent prosecution bill investigating bribery allegations against President Roh Moo-hyun’s former aides at a special cabinet meeting presided over by the chief executive on December 6.

Cheong Wa Dae briefed the president on the National Assembly’s re-authorization of the special counsel bill during the senior secretaries meeting on political affairs presided over by the chief of staff, Moon Hee-sang. The president agreed to undertake the special counsel bill.

It was reported that senior secretaries in the meeting reached an agreement, saying, “Even though the special counsel probe has some legal problems, it is good for both the political community and the public for the probe to be launched, putting an end to the escalating showdown between the president and the legislative body.”

The nation’s top office argued in the press release, “The public’s wish for transparent politics should materialize through resolving any suspicions over illegal fundraising in last year’s presidential election and corruption by the president’s former aides.” It added, “Any allegations over the wrongdoings of the president’s former aides, however, are far from the power scandals of the past administration, so the public should not be misled.”

The chief office went on to say, “It is regretful that the public has had such doubts raised. However, it is very clear that they have nothing to do with the irregularities that exploited the president’s power in the former administration.”

Jeong-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com