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Kim Dong-sung’s Bibimbob? Thanks!

Posted November. 21, 2003 23:07,   


“What’s the meaning of having a bowl of bibimbob together?”

Recently, “Kim Dong-sung’s Bibimbob” has been a hot issue among netizens in the U.S. Because the article, “Kim Dong-sung, I’ll Meet Ohno and Buy Him Bibimbob” (written on November 20, page C1) which appeared on donga.com and translated into English, is linked to short-track skating star Apolo Anton Ohno’s (U.S.) internet fan site (www.ohnozone.net) as the top headline article, U.S. netizens have eagerly shown interest as they came rushing to reply to the article.

A certain netizen (screen name: deb) asked, “Is there any special meaning culturally in the phrase ‘Kim Dong-sung will buy bibmibob?’ Can I assume it to have the same meaning as eating Big Macs together?” To this question, a netizen (screen name: tex netizen), who revealed himself as a 35-year old Korean, explained, “In Korea, buying food can mean offering congratulations, reconciliation, or wanting to be a friend,” and added, “Jeonju is city most famous for its bibimbob.”

U.S. netizens expressed strong interest saying, “Professor Jeon Myung-kyu, who commented in the article, was the national coach at the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics?” Regarding this question, a netizen (screen name: sonia) replied, “Professor Jeon is the world-famous coach known as ‘Big John’ among the short-track skaters in Canada and in the U.S.”

These netizens were also interested in the fact that Ohno had gotten along well with the Korean national team since five years ago and had courteously greeted them and even learned from Professor Jeon and Kim Dong-sung. Another netizen (screen name: Noelle) said, “Ohno was also thankful for the help from the Korean team in his book. I hope Ohno will once again become friends with Kim Dong-sung.”

Korean netizens also post their comments on Ohno’s site. A certain netizen, who called herself “trisha,” wrote, “I am a high school student in Seoul. First of all, I want to apologize for the aggressive reactions of Korean netizens. Not all Korean people object to Ohno’s appearance in Korea.”

Meanwhile, the U.S. Ice Skating Association is expected to send a final entry, which will reveal whether or not Ohno will attend the Jeonju World Cup, by 1 p.m. on November 22 (Korean time) to the Korean Skating Union.
