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Jeon Appointed Chief Auditor

Posted November. 07, 2003 22:42,   


The National Assembly endorsed the appointment of Jeon Yun-churl as the chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection yesterday. Out of 272 lawmakers, 222 participated in the vote and 176 cast ballots in favor of Jeon, while 44 voted against him. There was one abstention and one ballot was declared void.

The Assembly also passed a past history fact-finding special committee resolution yesterday to investigate the slaughtering of innocent people in Geochang at the parliamentary level.

The committee that is to be established by next week will deliberate on nine bills and 30 petitions which will demand the truth of the civilian massacre after the Korean War, persecution on Koreans during the Japan’s colonial rule of Korea, and harms imposed on people during the Donghak Rural People’s Movement.

Along with it, the Assembly passed a revised code bill that will increase the current seven-member election district demarcation committee to nine members, consisting of four lawmakers and five non-parliamentary members.

Sung-Won Park swpark@donga.com