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Hwang Jang-yop’s Interview with the Voice of America (VOA)

Hwang Jang-yop’s Interview with the Voice of America (VOA)

Posted November. 04, 2003 22:42,   


According to the Voice of America (VOA), Hwang Jang-yop, the former secretary of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party, reportedly said on November 3 that he knows who will take over the power in case that unexpected circumstances should happen to Kim Jung-il, but he cannot reveal it.

At a meeting with David Jackson, the general director of Voice of America, Hwang said, “Kim Jung-il believes that there is no possibility for a struggle for political power and nobody from North Korea’s military authorities will become a successor to Kim Jung-il.” Subsequently he also added, “Kim Jung-il is making military authorities stand in front because they have no political power and exist only to automatically obey him.”

Especially, he insisted that for the time being, there should be maintenance of the boundary line between North Korea and South Korea even though North Korea will eventually collapse because of the economic gap between North Korea and South Korea. “Instead of preventing the flow of North Korea’s refugees, South Korea should try to reduce the gap between North Korea and South Korea by helping to establish a democratic regime in North Korea through South Korea’s technology, capital, and talents,” added Hwang.

He also predicted, “China will break off the alliance with North Korea’s autocratic regime in the long run, and it will coincide with China’s national interest.”

Mr. Hwang Jang-yop is expected to return back to Korea on November 5 after finishing all his appointments in the United States.
