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Root out the Essentials of New Super Power “China”

Posted October. 29, 2003 22:58,   


“Essentially, our policy motto is ‘we have to duck out not to become an absolute leader.’ Nothing good comes out of being the head of something for we may lose many things by ourselves.”

Deng Xiaoping made a will before he died, saying that China should never stand out as a leader to the world in the next 50 years. However, China has been going on a complete opposite direction from his will. In particular, after blasting off its first manned spaceship into the sky and setting up a mighty military power, the countries around China, such as the U.S., looked on with suspicious eyes.

Starting November 2, MBC television documentary, “China,” will be aired every Sunday at 11:30 p.m. “China” will break down the Chinese power that can hold out against the U.S. In particular, this documentary will touch on a delicate coverage of the elite class of the Chinese communists, also covering other countries’ (the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan) point of view towards China.

The first part of the series (five parts as a whole), “Super Power China” takes a look at the 21st century as the era of the U.S. and China, and the 20th century as the era of the U.S. and Soviet Union, digging in the discussion of “China’s Threatening Theory,” which has just gotten around to the U.S. recently.

In the second part of the series (November 9), “China” will deal with the goods of China – getting to the top of the world markets one by one with the flow of Factory of the World, Brain of the World, and Markets of the World.

In the third part of the series (November 16), “China” will cover the Chinese finances and capital (3,350 billion dollars), spreading out all around the world in 130 countries and put into diverse industries from restaurants to high technologies.

In the fourth part of the series (November 23), “China” will analyze the leading group of the Chinese communist party, in which the fourth generations (technical bureaucrats) and fifth generations (bureaucrats majoring in human studies) have turned out as a new growing power that will refresh the current power holders of the revolution age.

In the last part of the series, “China” will focus on the Chinese policy under the Hu Jintao administration and its effect on North Korea, where they begin to look upon it through national profit instead of an ideology point of view.

“People still think of China with curiosity and caution,” remarked the producer, Choi Woo-chul. Adding, “I prepared this television documentary in order to analyze the advanced country, following ‘The U.S.’, which was broadcasted last year.”

Seung-Hoon Cheon raphy@donga.com