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Korea-China, Economic Support in Exchange for Nuclear Concession

Korea-China, Economic Support in Exchange for Nuclear Concession

Posted October. 19, 2003 22:53,   


President Roh, while on his visit to Bangkok, Thailand to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, held a bilateral talk with Chinese leader Hu Jintao at the Shangulila Hotel in Bangkok on Sunday, with the two promising on a second six-nation talks for solving North Korea’s nuclear issue.

At the talk, the two promised to do their best in preventing North Korea from making matters worse and instead trying to persuade the North to discontinue the project from the keynote of dialogue. Also, the two agreed to provide sufficient economic support if the North abandoned its nuclear weapons project.

President Roh, discussing North Korea’s defectors, asked for quick settlements on North Korean refugees and defectors held in China who were looking to relocate to South Korea and holding favorable administration with those handed over and delivered to Chinese public authorities, and asking the Chinese leader to visit Korea soon.

President Roh will hold bilateral talks with U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday to deliver the Korean government’s stance on troop dispatch in Iraq and to discuss the time and size of the dispatch.

It is likely that after the bilateral talks, Korea and the U.S. will make a collaborated announcement, stating intentions for discussions on a nonaggression pact with North Korea in exchange for nuclear concessions at a second six-nation talk. The announcement is also predicted to include the views of both sides on the latest issues regarding the repositioning of the U.S. troops and amendments to the Korea-U.S. affiliation.

President Roh will continue to have separate bilateral talks with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Monday and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, discussing issues such as the six-nation talks regarding North Korea’s nuclear weapons problem and the economic-trade cooperation.

After attending APEC forum from October 22 to 24, President Roh will visit Singapore at the response to Singapore president Goh Chok Tong’s invitation, and returning back to Korea in the afternoon, on October 24.

Jeong-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com