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Prosecution Secured Evidence as to Rep. Choi’s Allegations

Prosecution Secured Evidence as to Rep. Choi’s Allegations

Posted October. 17, 2003 22:46,   


Prosecutors, investigating the SK secret fund scandal, yesterday summoned Choi Do-sul, a former presidential secretary for general affairs and Rep. Choi Don-woong of the opposition Grand National Party again to interrogate them over the manner with which they received money from SK and where the money was used.

The prosecution reportedly met a Millennium Democratic Party staff member who managed the election campaign fund with the former presidential aide Choi in Busan during last year’s presidential election and persons close to Lee Young-ro, who introduced SK chairman to Choi, and investigated where Choi had spent the SK fund and whether he received more money.

The prosecution’s interrogation of Rep. Choi came after prosecutors’ questioning of a close aide to Rep. Choi and his driver on the allegations that the lawmaker received 10 billion won from SK last November and sent the money to a GNP local office or other related organization.

The GNP lawmaker, who denied the accusations against him, will be summoned again next week. The prosecution is reportedly considering tracing bank accounts of Rep. Choi and other related persons to confirm the validity of the allegations against him. SK executives including Chairman Son Kil-seung were also questioned again on October 16.

The prosecution will summon the two or three additional politicians who are suspected of being involved in the SK slush fund case.

In the meantime, some GNP lawmakers including Rep. Shim Kyu-cheol, Rep. Kim Yong-kyun and Rep. Kim Yong-hak, visited the Supreme Prosecutor`s Office and claimed, “It is unfair for the prosecution to take the opportunity of the SK scandal to investigate funds of the opposition party only when the MDP chairman said his party spent more than 20 billion won during the last presidential campaign.”

Wi-Yong Jung Jin-Kyun Kil viyonz@donga.com leon@donga.com