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Iran Delays Operation of Nuclear Power Plant for One Year

Iran Delays Operation of Nuclear Power Plant for One Year

Posted October. 15, 2003 22:49,   


Iran put off its nuclear power plant from being in operation for a year, which is being set up at the Persian Gulf port city of Bushir with the support of Russia, reported the Los Angeles Times on October 15. The Bushir nuclear power plant will be put into action in 2005.

The U.S. administration, which has been doubtful that Iran might concentrate the radioactive waste matters from the power plant to bring out the nuclear weapons, was highly satisfied with the news, saying, “If the Bushir power plant is going to be suspended, they will not able to get hold of the uranium which is needed to manufacture nuclear weapons.”

But, an officer of Russia nuclear power department pointed out that they had not paid any considerations on the political backgrounds, saying, “We just delayed the operation, for many applications have not been supplied in time.”

Despite their decision to postpone their start, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is suppressing Iran more to get through its nuclear investigation. Mohamed Albaraday, the chief of IAEA, and many other high ranking officers are going to visit Teheran, the capital of Iran, to persuade them to carrying out the final note, “Clear up the suspicion of developing the nuclear weapons until the end of this month.”

“Iran has not suggested enough information on its nuclear facilities. We do not have much time,” pointed out the chief.

The Iranian anti-governmental group, “Iran National Committee of Resistance” set forth on October 15, that it has planned to unveil the information related to the Iranian secret nuclear facilities. The group has given away the information of the nuclear facilities in Iran many times so far.

Before this, the German weekly, Shupigel reported recently that Israel had checked on the locations of the factories that can manufacture nuclear missiles in Iran, working on a scheme to strike it first, if necessary.

Jin Lee leej@donga.com