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Three Opposition Parties Agree to Cooperate in Public Confidence Issue

Three Opposition Parties Agree to Cooperate in Public Confidence Issue

Posted October. 14, 2003 22:37,   


Floor leaders of the three opposition parties, Hong Sa-duk of the Grand National Party (GNP), Chung Kyun-hwan of Millennium Democratic Party (MDP), and Kim Hak-won of United Liberal Democrats held a breakfast meeting at a hotel in downtown Seoul on October 14. The three floor leaders agreed to work together to resolve the current political turmoil caused by President Roh’s remark.

At the phone interview with our reporter, lawmaker Hong said, “The three floor leaders reached a consensus that the president is trying to cover up the accusations and scandals surrounding his close aides. The three parties came to an agreement that the confidence issue should not end up like a play of Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark.” Hong added, “Therefore, we all will join forces to resolve the issue in an appropriate way.”

Hong said, “The leaders agreed to meet together to discuss this issue whenever it is necessary.” He added, “But today’s meeting was a private one to share opinions prior to the summit of the three parties’ chairmen and floor leaders.”

In the meantime, the Vice Chairman of People’s Participatory United New Party, Kim Young-choon, denounced the two major opposition parties, GNP and MDP, of being a pot full of political calculations.

Min-Hyuk Park mhpark@donga.com