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Roh’s Indication of Public Confidence, Foreign Journals’ Responses

Roh’s Indication of Public Confidence, Foreign Journals’ Responses

Posted October. 10, 2003 22:51,   


Major foreign journals such as the AP, AFP, Reuter, and Kyodo News Agency promptly reported President Roh Moo-hyun’s indication of a “public confidence assessment” yesterday, watching in particular the background of such a statement.

The AFP pointed out that President Roh is being condemned for failing to control the militant labor struggle and failing in getting Korea out of the economic recession. Even his supporters are opposing his opinion about the North’s nuclear crisis. AFP said approval ratings on the incumbent president, which skyrocketed to 80 percent right after his victory in the presidential election, has since plunged to a figure of slightly over 20 percent in the seven months of his term in office.

“A former human rights lawyer, President Roh had even surprised the Korean people when he said ‘I can’t do the job of president,’ marking his 100th day after taking office,” added AFP.

“His reform-minded image has become spotted by corruption scandals involved with his close aides,” Reuters pointed, saying President Roh doesn’t have any particular experience in public posts except that he worked for a while as a Maritime Affairs-Fisheries Minister.

President Roh is facing difficult problems awaiting solution, meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush, and concluding the Korean troops dispatch issues at the APEC summit meeting scheduled for this month in Bangkok, Thailand, Reuters added.

AP news network said some close aides of Roh have been suspected of taking bribes from businessmen, and the opposition party has been criticizing Roh severely on adopting a soft policy toward North, and spreading anti-US sentiment.

Jin Lee leej@donga.com