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US Dismissing North Korea’s Request to Exclude Japan

Posted October. 08, 2003 22:44,   


The U.S. State Department announced on October 6 that Japan should continue to take part in the six-party talks to help solve the North Korean nuclear problem as a key stakeholder.

The State Department spokesman, Richard A. Boucher, announced about North Korea’s request for Japan to withdraw from the six-party talks on the same day saying, “U.S. agrees to Japan’s opinion that North Korea’s attempt to exclude Japan out of the talks to solve the nuclear problem should be dismissed.”

“Japan has many interests at stake on the current issues with North Korea because Japan is neighboring North and South Korea. We are not even considering the six-party talks without Japan,” added Boucher.

Meanwhile, the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shinbun reported about North Korea’s request to exclude Japan as an attempt to disintegrate the South Korea-China-Japan’s tie, only to fail however.
