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The Prosecution Summons Song Du-yul Today

Posted October. 02, 2003 23:04,   


Song Du-yul, a scholar residing in Germany, held a press conference at the Academy House in Seoul Kangbukgu, Su-yudong and asserted that he was only a non-leadership level member of the politburo of North Korea`s ruling Workers` Party.

Song denied all suspicion such as handwritten letters of allegiance, persuading O Kil-nam to go North Korea and receiving enormous operational funds that the National Intelligence Service (NIS) disclosed in the National Assembly`s Intelligence Committee. This is the results of the persecution office.

However, Song said that he would like to make a public apology about his behaviors towards North Korea including joining the Workers’ Party in light of the law.

In the four-page report titled ‘Self reflection about my activities those days’, Song includes his state of his mind and the truth of the NIS announcement to the press conference. Song said, “I was not notified and only recognized this after the fact, so when they mentioned ‘ politburo member Kim Chul-su`, it was meaningless and I couldn’t agree with the fact.”

Song asserted, “Joining the Workers’ Party was like a rite to enter North Korea and a written letter of allegiance was nothing but undergoing a national celebration of South Korea.”

He insisted that he received approximately $60,000-$70,000 from North Korea, but all of that was used to revive the Korea Scientific Research Institute.

Meanwhile, the Public Security 1st Office at Seoul district public prosecutor’s office (O Se-hyun, a superintendent public prosecutor) expressed on October 2 that Song is required to appear at their office by 9:00 AM October 3.

It is reported that the Prosecution is requiring from the Ministry of Justice an extension to review Song before allowing him to leave the country as the present deadline for his allowed departure expires October 3.

The prosecution will review the investigation document of Song dispatched by the NIS and will examine how Song became a member of the politburo of North Korea`s ruling Workers` Party, Kim Chul-su and his activities, the amount of operational funds from North Korea and its use, and other relevant issues.

The prosecution source said, “We didn’t ask to demand a warrant of arrest about Song yet, but if the investigation is longer, we will make him attend and leave the office everyday.”

Sang-Rok Lee Jin-Young Hwang myzodan@donga.com buddy@donga.com