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Delete North Korea - China Military Alliance Article

Posted September. 24, 2003 23:15,   


The subsidiary laboratory of Social Science Center under direct control of Department of State China presented an opinion that the article in “North Korea – China Amity & Cooperation Mutual Assistance Treaty” related to military alliance with North Korea, which says military assistance is mandatory if North Korea is attacked.

Asahi Shimbun reported that an essay that presses deleting the military alliance were written in the September edition of “World Economy and Politics” published by World Economy and Politics Laboratory under Social Science Center. The Chinese administration is considering modification of the treaty under the table with North Korea`s nuclear development, but it is exceptional for a governmental research center to open such opinion, says the newspaper.

Chief researcher Seon Ji Ru in the lab said in his essay entitled “Urgent matter to maintain peace in Northeast Asia”, “More time will be allowed for North Korea to develop nuclear weapons if the deadlock continues.” and insisted, “The Chinese government should raise modification in the mutual assistance treaty and delete the article that mentions military alliance.”

The essays suggested several reasons for the assertion; China gave up military alliance with new concept of national security and expressed the positions that China does not agree with North Korea`s nuclear development. And military dispatch (to help North Korea) is unavailable if a war breaks between USA and North Korea due to nuclear problems. Also, it added that modifying the treaty might prevent sending wrong signal to North Korea.

According to Ashai Shimbun, the essay also says, “There should be no opposition for UN settlement if the North Korea’s nuclear problem isn`t solved with related nations` efforts” expressing the possibility of compulsory measures including economic sanctions and military forces.

The North Korea – China Assistance Treaty concluded in 1961 clearly states that both nations will support with military and other assistances if either of them is attacked by military force, and the treaty will be valid unless both agree to modify or terminate the treaty.
