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Women`s Soccer Team Bets Big on Match with France

Posted September. 24, 2003 23:18,   


It is `do or die`. The national women`s soccer team, presently attending Women`s World Cup 2003 in U.S., is determined to win Team France in a match on Sept. 25. It had an intense practice session in Recreation Center Stadium in German Town, Maryland on the 24th.

Sustained a 0-3 loss from Brazil, Korea will be dropped out of the tournament if it ends up losing to or tying with France. France is also all set for a win after defeated by Norway 0-2 in the first match.

Korean coaching staff, having examined the videotaped Norway-France match, concluded that Korean players are no less competitive than their French counterparts. France often misses goal chances. Striker Marriette Pisson, who scored 28 goals for two seasons in the U.S. pro league, is not threatening, according to the coaching staff. Chances are high for Korea to win the match if it builds strong defense and puts pressure from the midfield.

France is also known to have holes on the defense line. Defense players are often overlapped in position and late in coming back to their positions. During the practice, the national team divided the playground into two, therefore, playing offense on the one side and defense on the other.

“There are two tall defense players in the French team, but they are slow to turn around,” said head coach Ahn Jong-gwan. “We will be able to score a goal by taking on the straight-line defense.”

Ahn plans to use the same lineup as in the match with Brazil, and is considering adding striker Kim Yu-jin and midfielder Kim Ju-hi, who are in good conditions. “Players were too nervous to do their bits in the first match,” said explained Ahn. “I believe they will do well this time.”

Sang-Ho Kim hyangsan@donga.com