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[Editorial] Assembly Should Not Neglect Inspection of Government Offices

[Editorial] Assembly Should Not Neglect Inspection of Government Offices

Posted September. 21, 2003 23:07,   


The 16th National Assembly`s last inspection of government offices starts today. However, there are more concerns than expectations. The Assembly`s inspections right before parliamentary elections were always stained with political strife and unsatisfactory. Situations are likely to be worse this time. Many lawmakers are just focusing on their constituencies, putting preparation for the Assembly`s inspection on the back burner. Ahead of the general election next year, each political party is embroiled in internal feud over party reform and shows interest only in nomination of candidates.

As the new party heralded a four-party competition, political situations became worse. Right now, it is not clear which party is the ruling party. Under the law, a party with which the president is affiliated is the ruling one. However, the Ruling Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) is set to level more harsh criticism at the president than the opposition Grand National Party (GNP). At this inspection, there could be only offences on the government, not defenses.

It is not that the Assembly`s criticism against the government is not good. However, the criticism should be logical and based on government policy. There should be balanced offences and defenses between the government and the National Assembly for desirable inspections.

In particular, there are concerns that the Assembly`s inspection this time could degenerate into a forum where harsh words are exchanged, because all the parties are conscious of the general election. To gain votes, lawmakers are more likely to focus on mudslinging tactics or public complaints. In this case, it is difficult to expect serious answers from the government.

The National Assembly`s inspection should focus on the Roh Moo-hyun government`s management of state affairs during the seven months. And the Assembly should analyze the causes of confusion and discord at the first stages of the new government and explore countermeasures. If the inspection is stained with political maneuvering, it will cause damage to the people. The Assembly members should do their best in the inspection of state affairs in a bipartisan way. Each party is crying for political reform but they should know that the first step to political reform is to be faithful to the inspection work.