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Powell Says U.S. Policy Aims at Nuclear-Free Status of Korean Peninsular

Powell Says U.S. Policy Aims at Nuclear-Free Status of Korean Peninsular

Posted September. 08, 2003 23:10,   


“We will have to make a judgment before the coming six-way talks, as to what kind of security guarantee would be satisfactory for all of us to provide to the North Koreans so that they would feel comfortable in taking this step,” U.S. Secretary General Colin Powell said Sunday.

Appearing on ABC television, Power said, “Our first challenge is inducing North Korea to clearly express its wiliness to completely give up its nuclear programs in a verifiable manner.”

When asked if any inducement or support program is prepared to encourage North Korea to give up its nuclear ambitions, he responded, saying “Discussions have not yet progressed to that level. It is not a matter that can be resolved by a single meeting or statement.”

Talking to NBC television`s `Meet the Press,` he told that the comments of Assistant Secretary of State John Bolton that U.S. policies are to put an end to the Kim Jong-il regime is not the official stance of the U.S. administration. “Our policy is de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsular, and participating member countries of the six-nation talks holds the same policy.

“We know North Korea`s regime is not honorable. It operates detention centers where dissidents are imprisoned, and makes counterfeit currency. Our policy is, however, at the moment, making de-nuclearization status of the Korean Peninsular, not toppling or attacking its regime.

Meanwhile, White House National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice told Fox television that "I believe we`ve got the best chance that we could possibly have given the six party format, given the fact that you`ve got all the relevant states there and particularly China there, with whom the North Koreans have a lot of interests."
