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Seoul National University`s New Entrance Criteria for 2005

Seoul National University`s New Entrance Criteria for 2005

Posted September. 08, 2003 23:12,   


For the 2005 ordinary University admission for Seoul National University, Scholastic Aptitude Test scores will take up a higher proportion than now, and the proportion of school records will be decreased.

In addition, allotted percentage for occasional admissions will be raised by 5 percentage points, to 35%, compared to 2004 (20% for Regional Balance Admission and 15% for special admission for students with extraordinary skills).

The president of Seoul National University announced the University entrance plan for 2005, which contains the above message, on September 8.

The uniqueness of this plan is that the University plans to select academically superior students through Regional Balance Admission, students with extraordinary abilities in certain areas, for example, students who won prizes at the International Olympiad, through special admission, and students with high scholastic aptitude test scores through ordinary admission.

Accordingly, students from Foreign Language High Schools- where students get relatively higher scores at entrance exams than in school records- and students of prestigious high schools in non-Seoul areas are expected to gain advantage at the ordinary admission, whereas students of regular high schools in non-Seoul areas, who obtain comparatively lower scores at the aptitude tests, will find occasional admission more favorable.

For the Regional Balance admission of occasional admission, high school seniors who received principal`s recommendation will be selected by the following criteria: 80% high school performance, 10% documentary evidence, including recommendation, letter of self-introduction, and 10% interview. Therefore, school records may have great influence on students` University admission.

For the special admission of occasional admission for science/ engineering majors, students whose average mathematics and science scores are ranked within top 5%, and students who took more than 20 mathematics and science classes, all ranking within top 30%, are eligible for application. However, specific selection criteria have not yet been prepared. International Olympiad participants and domestic Olympiad awardees are eligible to apply, but performances at other competitions will not be acknowledged.

Special admission could be advantageous for Foreign Language High School or Science High School students, since the University can grant admission to students simply by reviewing students` documents.

At the ordinary admission, which selects 65% of its regular number, the first round of selection will review students` scholastic aptitude test scores and school records, 50% each. Then, Liberal Arts majors will be selected according to the “80% first round scores + 10% essay + 10% interview” criterion, while Natural Science majors will be selected by “80% first round sore + 20% interview and oral exam.”

With the decrease in the number of grades that could be given to students` school records for ordinary admissions, the proportion of the aptitude test became relatively larger. Letters of self-introduction and recommendation will be abolished for ordinary admissions.

Controversy is expected to emerge surrounding Seoul National University`s new plan for 2005, since it aims to attract superior students with best school records, aptitude test scores and talents, while maintaining balance among regions.
