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Worldwide Terror Warnings

Posted September. 07, 2003 23:11,   


With the second anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attack approaching, warnings of a terror reoccurrence are continuously being issued. Foreign newspapers reported on September 7, that the FBI has recently pinpointed 4 probable suspects related to the 911 terrorist attack from Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Tunisia. It has made open dispositions worldwide on the FBI homepage.

An official informed that the FBI had started the pursuit after obtaining information that it is possible that the 4 people may have conspired in the plans to attack the US.

Previously, the US Department of Homeland Security issued terror warning on September 4, citing the possibility of additional airplane hijacking by Al Qaeda, and the FBI had warned of possible attacks through food or water contamination.

On September 7 (local time) in London, emergency assistance and escape training was conducted in preparation for chemical attacks underground. A part of the training that took place between Waterloo station and Bank station of the British underground, the poison-neutralization training, was open to the public.

Also, British Airways announced on September 5, that it is considering equipping their passenger planes with Missile Defense Systems for possible terror attacks.

Meanwhile, Heinz Fromm, the President of the German Security Service (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz - BfV), warned that it is a matter of time for Al Qaeda extremists to come and commit further terrorist activities.

Jin Lee leej@donga.com