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[Editorial] Delaying Decision on No-confidence Motion Is Not Fair and Appropriate

[Editorial] Delaying Decision on No-confidence Motion Is Not Fair and Appropriate

Posted September. 07, 2003 23:16,   


President Roh Moo-hun hinted that he would postpone the decision on whether to veto the National Assembly`s resolution for dismissal of the home minister until the end of its inspection of government offices. The president`s delay on the decision is not fair and appropriate. He would delay by almost 40 days, so it is difficult for him to avoid suspicions that there are political motives.

There is no time limit for the decision on whether to veto the no-confidence motion. However, he should exercise common sense. Once he has made a decision, he should express his position clearly, which will eventually help stabilize state affairs.

Most of all, it does not make sense that the National Assembly`s inspection of a minister for whom no-confidence motion has passed the Assembly will go well. In addition, the opposition Grand National Party (GNP) is strongly opposing the inspection of Minister Kim, saying that they will not let him appear at the National Assembly. Against this backdrop, the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs cannot work well.

President Roh made it clear that if he accepts the resolution, he would not do so readily. What does he mean by that? That gives the impression that the president is making a decision emotionally in state affairs that should be administered according to laws and principles.

If the president were to gain the upper hand of the general election next year by focusing on the aspect of Minister Kim as a political victim, he would be mistaken, whether the resolution is appropriate or not. In fact, many people with power put emphasis on the inappropriateness of the resolution. There is talk within the ruling camp that if the president decides to axe the minister, he should do when the minister`s value becomes high. In this context, Kim Doo-kwan, appearing on a TV program, seems to have contended that he is a scapegoat and declared that he might run for parliament. It is the public, not the minister himself, who should assess a decision by the National Assembly.

In this situation, the minister cannot avoid the criticism that he is campaigning for the elections in the capacity of minister. If the president delays his decision on whether to exercise his veto power, it runs counter to his principle of non-intervention in general election. The president should unveil his position on the resolution as soon as possible.