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[Editorial] Political Circles Make Effort to Avoid Disastrous Showdown

[Editorial] Political Circles Make Effort to Avoid Disastrous Showdown

Posted September. 03, 2003 23:22,   


The National Assembly passed a dismissal bill initiated by the opposition Grand National Party against home affairs minister Kim Doo-kwan. However, President Roh Moo-hyun has already suggested that he would refuse the bill. It is lamentable for the public to see politicians engaging in fierce confrontation, showing no signs of concessions. Many people express their concerns that confrontational relations between the ruling and opposition parties might paralyze the National Assembly where crucial pending bills have been piled up, waiting for approval.

In fear of an anticipated political showdown, the Dong-a daily has urged the GNP to be more prudent in presenting the dismissal bill to the assembly. Not only the GNP but also a majority of Koreans have been disappointed with the Roh government`s incompetence in running the nation. However, overriding views are that the passage of the dismissal bill lacks logical reasoning and the opposition GNP went too far.

Then, what will come next? If the president rejects the bill, the GNP will boycott the regular assembly session or mount a campaign to oust the president by holding him responsible for the government`s poor administrative performance. The GNP, which dominates the 272-seat parliament, must avoid such a thing to happen and show its sincere efforts to mend its already soured relations with the ruling party and Cheong Wa Dae.

This is the same for President Roh. It is undesirable for the president to refuse the dismissal bill passed by the assembly without making efforts to persuade the opposition parties to show a great flexibility on the issue. If extreme political confrontation continues, the president will be difficult to avoid harsh public criticism because he has a part of responsibility for confrontational relations between the ruling and the opposition parties. He should have mended soured relations with the opposition GNP through dialogue.

President Roh and GNP chairman Choi Byung-yul should take today`s inter-party meeting at Cheong Wa Dae as an opportunity to seek a common ground between them not to aggravate the current situation. Furthermore, the two leaders should bear in mind that the public eagerly expects them to find a wise solution.