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Gov`t Brought to Justice the ITC Decision against Hynix DRAMs

Gov`t Brought to Justice the ITC Decision against Hynix DRAMs

Posted August. 15, 2003 21:45,   


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced that it brought into the WTO the International Trade Committee`s (ITC) final decision against Hynix Semiconductor for its damaging effect on the American semiconductor industry on August 15th.

The Ministry delivered a letter to demand a bilateral negotiation in the name of the Korean Ambassador to Geneva as its first process of bringing the case to the court.

ITC made a preliminary decision against Hynix DRAM products last December and made a final one for industrial damages that the company has caused to the U.S. on July 23rd.

Regarding this, the U.S. Department of Commerce decided to impose 44.22 percent duties on Hynix DRAM products this June.

Korea and the U.S. will enter 60 days of negotiations and receive a final judgment from a judicial panel of the WTO later this year.

Eun-Woo Lee libra@donga.com