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Lee Seung-yeop Got Really Mad

Posted August. 11, 2003 21:05,   


Any docile animal, including a dove, sometimes becomes violent. Lee Seung Yeop of Samsung(27) and one on one fist fighting with Seo Seong-hwa, a pitcher of LG. It happened Saturday on the Samsung-LG match held at the Daegu Stadium. The conflict began at the second inning of the game.

While Samsung was leading the game by 12-4, and Lee was hit by a ball thrown by the pitcher, Jang-Jun-Kwan of LG (22). In addition, the helmet of Ma Hae-young was hit by the ball thrown to do a double play by Yu Ji-hwan, a shortstop of LG. LG protested that Samsung players interrupted fielding while Ma Hae-young insisted that "I did not do anything wrong. LG intentionally hit my head."

The both sides began to be emotionally volatile. Samsung was continuously leading the game and at 2 outs with one runner at the second base, LG intentionally threw four-balls. What was going on? LG was losing the game by 4-12.

Eventually, at the fist ninth inning, Na Hyung-jin, a pincher of Samsung, let Jong Hyun-woo of LG get a base on balls by pitching balls very close to him. However, as Na Hyung-jin pitched balls also very close to Jang Jae-jun as well, players of both teams started to come to the ground from their dugouts. At that time, Seo Seong-hwa was the first to come out of the dugout, however, Lee blocked him and their fist fighting began. It, all of the sudden, became a gang fight and the ground became a mess. Lee and Seo were ordered out of the ground.

“It is the first time ever that Seung-yeop has a fight at the pro-league. He said that younger players drove him so mad. And he also said that they showed no respect when they spoke and intentionally hit him with balls, so he couldn`t take it no more. But I scolded him severely,” said Lee Chun-kwang(61), father of Lee.

The Korea Baseball Organization will have open a reward and punishment committee today to deal with this matter.

Sang-Soo Kim ssoo@donga.com