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For Closing, Call On Byung-Hyun

Posted August. 06, 2003 21:38,   


Byung-Hyun Kim was found out as the only guy the Boston Red Sox could rely on for closing.

Taking the mound in the ninth yesterday (Korean time) in a home game against the Anaheim Angles, Kim sealed off the inning and defended his team`s one-point lead (10-9). By getting the last three outs, Kim marked up his eighth save in nine chances.

His excellent performance has silenced all the talks about who should be the closer of the Red Sox. After Boston acquired Scott Williamson from the Cincinnati Reds last 30th, who won 21 saves for the Reds, some local papers and fans argued for Williamson`s taking the closer position.

But the rumor had not shook Kim at all. Silencing it, Kim won three saves in a row.

Last 2nd Kim converted back to the closer. Ever since, he has won two, and lost two with eight saves. His ERA is 1.66.

Now, the Boston fans side themselves with Kim. In an opinion poll conducted on the Red Sox homepage, "Who is the best play the general manager has acquired this season?" Kim has earned the highest mark, or 58% support, as of yesterday.

Kim struck out the first hitter Tim just in three pitches. Then, he grounded out the second batter Garret Anderson and popped out the last hitter. In total, Kim threw eight pitches, seven of which were strikes.

On the other hand, Hee Seop Choi of the Chicago Cubs was put in the starting line up against the San Diego Padres, but was 0 for 3. Even worse, he made two errors as first baseman.

But his team won a 3-0 victory.
