Big Choi, Choi Hee-seop (24, Chicago Cubs) hit a home run once again after 72 days of the dormant period.
Choi hit a home run at the home ground Wrigley Field against Philadelphia Phillies Thursday. It was at the bottom of the 7th inning, no outs with runners at the second and third base when he hit a powerful 3 score home run. It was Chois 8th seasonal home run. The last time he hit a home run was May 14 against the Milwaukee. In other words, he didnt have home runs for 72 days or 23 games.
Eric Karros stepped on the ground as a 9th pinch batter for Eric Karros.
Alex Gonzalez and Damian Miller consecutively hit singles, and Choi then stepped on the ground with no outs. One strike, one ball, then starting pitcher Vicente Padilla threw a high straight ball at the speed of 146 km/h. Choi, however, did not miss his chance and hit the ball making it fly over the center of the fence. He took his turn at the bat at the 9th inning, but was struck out.
He made one hit in two at bats and his seasonal batting average slightly went up from 0.229 to 0.233. He now holds the record of 8 home runs, 26 runs and 31 scores.
Choi was out of the starting players` list despite the starting pitcher was left handed. However, as Karros makes no hits, Choi could take the chance to be on the ground and hit a big shot that would please enough the head coach.
The home run has much significance. Choi had been showing a very poor record with only one hit in 20 at bats, but it could be a good chance for him to get out of the slump with the second half of the season`s first home run. He was often referred to be a rookie slugger with 7 home runs at the beginning of the season. So it must be an important moment to boost his confidence back that has been lost by injury and fluctuating performance.
Recent 3 days of special batting practice revived my batting sense and I am also fully charged now, Choi said.
The Cups, despite Choi`s brilliant performance, lost the game by 6-14, giving 14 runs.