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NK Deploys Additional Nodong Missile Battalion

Posted July. 18, 2003 22:00,   


Sources claim that North Korea has deployed an additional Nodong missile battalion. Each battalion is believed to be equipped with nine missile launchers, of which each can fire three or four missiles. The Defense Ministry unveiled these facts Friday in its publication entitled, “Participatory Government`s Defense Policies.” It said that South Korea and the U.S. concluded that the communist country had already deployed another Nodong missile battalion when the two allies shared information on the North’s military deployment in June last year.

It was the first time the Defense Ministry has made public its findings on the communist regime`s additional missile deployment. A ministry official said, “Details on when, where, and how many missiles were deployed is classified information, so that they can`t be publicized.”

Although the exact number of Nodong missiles deployed in the North has not yet been confirmed, it is believed that more than two battalions of 20-30 Nodong missiles might have been deployed around border areas with China, sources said.

The Defense Ministry official added, “As a result of its additional deployment of Nodong missiles, North Korea enhanced its long-range missile capability and stepped up its threat against Seoul and areas in its vicinity within its missile range.”

North Korea`s Nodong missile, with a range of 1000 to 1300km, was first successfully test-launched in 1993 and was deployed beginning in 1997. Experts say that the missile is believed to be capable of reaching Okinawa in Japan.

Sang-Ho Yun ysh1005@donga.com