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Japan`s Neo-Politicians Lean toward Right-wing Conservatism

Japan`s Neo-Politicians Lean toward Right-wing Conservatism

Posted July. 14, 2003 21:51,   


In Japan`s political circles, `Neo-Defense Group` is gaining power with the young right-wing lawmakers as the pivot. While existing `Defense Groups` are constituted by old generation lawmakers who have been deeply involved in the interests of the defense industry, the `Neo-Defense Group` consists of lawmakers of ruling and opposition parties of 30s and 40s who strongly urges to extend the role of the Self Defense Force and to increase the defense budget.

The general meeting, `young lawmakers` meeting who establish security guaranteeing structure in the new century,` held in the downtown of Tokyo last month, was an event that the Neo-Defense Group emerged completely.

About 100 influential politicians that support Japan`s re-armament such as Former Defense minister Ishiba Shigeru (46), Deputy Defense Minister Abe Shinjo(41), and unofficially decided Security Minister Mayehara Seiji(41) of the preparatory cabinet of the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) are involved in the gathering which was initially formed for the North Korea`s nuclear development and Japanese kidnapping cases.

During the meeting, the lawmakers made an emergency statement that urges the government to revise the principles of the peace constitute that only allows defense and recognize the right of collective self-defense. The statement was read by Yamomoto Ichita (45) of the Upper House and Hamada Yaskaz(47), the president of the LDP`s Defense Committee.

Japanese media paid their attention to the movement of the gathered politicians saying, “A half century after losing the Second World War, `Neo-Defense Group` which were formed regardless of the parties they belong to has emerged.” The Neo Defense Group commonly consists of right-wing lawmakers of 30s and 40s who have a great sense of international politics through studying overseas or etc, and are enthusiastic of introducing high-tech weapons in parasitism rather than for self interests.

Japan`s Mainichi newspaper pointed out that pair play by Minister Ishba and LDP`s Mayehara on the security issues should be paid attention to. Mayehara is the one who the logic of the ruling party as the LPD`s representative supported while creating advantageous mood for passing the bills when deliberating war contingency bills. During the Lower House lawmakers` questioning, he asked an inducible question to Ishiba saying, “Is it okay for us just rely our security only to the U.S. soldiers?” and Ishab replied “appropriate change in policy should be made for it.”

The Neo Defense Group has succeeded in setting the second phase of the Missile Defense system in the name of preparation for the ballistic missiles of North Korea. Their next aim is introducing cruise missile Tomahawk.

The Neo Defense Group`s gaining power reflects that Japanese society leans toward the rightwing conservatives, but quite a number of people worry that leaders of Japan`s politics are heading towards one direction only with stiffened ideology.
