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Live or Recorded?

Posted July. 08, 2003 22:00,   


KBS and Cheong Wa Dae are having a tough time with each other over the weekly radio address by President Roh Moo-hyun. They are colliding with each other over whether it should be put on air live or recorded.

KBS announced yesterday that it would earmark part of its new radio program for the Presidential Radio Address. Except the first address, which will be broadcast on July 18th, President Roh will address the nation on radio for 10 to 15 minutes starting from 7:20 a.m. on Mondays.

Up to this point, there is no problem. As to the format, KBS and Cheong Wa Dae stand face to face each other. KBS proposes a live coverage. In detail, it suggests President Roh talks about social issues with the show host for about five minutes after his live speech. But Cheong Wa Dae opposes it, citing Roh`s busy schedule.

Roh`s press secretary Kim Hyun-mee explained, "The weekly speech will not be a discussion. It will simply be a recorded speech. We will provide the recording to other networks like MBC and SBS." Other networks like MBC and SBS are accusing KBS of trying to monopolize the information.

On the other hand, KBS senior official alleged, "We had the same speech thing during the Roh Tae-woo administration. The United States still has it. But few people cared and care about it. It`s a one-way communication. That`s why. If the recording is provided to all networks, it would be like a press release."

The two sides will continue negotiations for one or two weeks more.

KBS also promised to spare some airtime for opposition leaders so that they could refute the arguments of the President.

In the meanwhile, KBS1 Radio will cut down on the airtime earmarked for programs for the solders, farmers and the disabled.

Seung-Hoon Cheon raphy@donga.com