Posted July. 03, 2003 21:48,
The Roh Moo-hyun government`s plan to build a new administrative capital, one of its major priorities, is proceeding as scheduled.
At a meeting on administrative tasks chaired by the president in the government complex building in Daejeon, on Thursday, Kwon O-kyu, head of the committee for construction of the administrative capital, said, "We will short-list suitable places in Chungcheong Province for a new administrative capital by June 2004, and make our decision in the second half of that year." However, given that parliamentary elections are not far off, it is unclear whether the majority Grand National Party would let the related bill to be presented next month pass through the National Assembly.
A task force consisting of experts from 10 research institutes, including the Korea Institute for Human Settlement, was set up in May. The task force is working on standards for relocating the new capital to a suitable site.
After completing the first survey, the task force excluded areas available for the development of the new capital with beautiful natural landscapes, upper reaches where dams are located, and areas where important mountains are located.
The new administrative capital committee has decided to prepare a basic plan and a set of standards for relocation by late October and establish detailed plans by late December through public hearings and consultation with advisory committees.
In order to select suitable locations for the new capital, Korea Land Corporation and Korea National Housing Corporation will form a joint investigation team, which will conduct inquiries into land use and ecological environments until the end of the year.
Based on the investigation results, until the first half of 2004, locations that are available for development and which meet the standards for location of a new administrative capital will be short-listed. Comparative assessments of those candidates will be conducted and the final decision will be decided in the second half of 2004 after considering public opinion.
The government plans to present to the National Assembly a special bill on the establishment of a committee for the new administrative capital, prevention of real estate speculation and creation of special accounts next month.
"In areas where land price increases are expected, property transactions for speculation purposes will be prevented, though these areas are not the final choice for the new capital. When candidates for the new capital are disclosed, changing the nature of land use or constructing new buildings in these areas will be restricted," committee chairman Kwon O-kyu said.
The supply of rental apartments in Chungcheong Province will rise from 4,500 in 2003 to more than 10,000 in 2004. In purchasing land for the new administrative capital, declared land values will also be applied. Meanwhile, at a discussion session, President Roh put emphasis on cooperation from opposition parties, saying that though there were differences in opinion over the movement of the capital during the election campaign period, this is a non-negotiable item for the ruling and opposition parties.