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Luck Smiled on Busan High School

Posted July. 02, 2003 21:34,   


Busan High School and Chunan Bookil High School advanced to the semifinals of the Golden Lion, a baseball championship jointly hosted by The Dong A Ilbo and the Korea Baseball associations. Busan got a lucky win against Sungnam High yesterday. Busan earned a game-winning score on walk in the bottom 9th. Chunan, on the other hand, romped Kyungdong High School on 14 hits made only in the 7th. The two teams will take on each other today for the ticket to the final.

Busan pulled out five scores only in the 9th. Up to the top 9th, Sungnam was leading the game 6-2. Busan, however, pulled out a fantastic victory.

Kim Dong-gyu started the drama with a single in the 9th for Busan. Then, two doubles followed, and earned Busan two more scores. Hits and Sungnam`s error got Busan one more, making it 5-6. Sungnam`s reliever Lee Seul-kee loaded the bases, and his wild pitch made it a 6-6 draw.

Busan earned two more walks and finally won the game.

The creaky team batting of Chunan High exploded yesterday and won the team a called game.

Choi Myung-hwan hit a one-out single in the bottom 1st and Lee Jong-hwan hit a triple, giving Chunan a lead. Then, Chang Jee-hoon hit a two-run home run and Chunan got to lead the game 3-0. In the fourth, Chunan added two more, making it 5-1. Then, Lee Chong-hwan hit a single in the 6th.

In the 7th, pinch-hitter Choi Byung-hoon hit a scrafice, and Choi hit a single and brought two runners home. Thus, Chunan won a called-game victory. Kyungdong`s ace Lee Kyung-min crumbled down on the mound, which ruined his team. In total, Lee allowed six runs and 11 hits.

jeon@donga.com jaeyuna@donga.com