Posted June. 29, 2003 21:56,
North and South Korea agreed in principle to hold larger family reunions around the Choseok holiday, which falls on September 11 this year, Suh Young-hoon, president of the South Korean National Red Cross, on a visit to Mt. Geumgang for the family reunions, said on Sunday.
Meeting with reporters at the Diamond Mountain resort on North Korea`s east coast, the South Korean Red Cross head proposed to his North Korean counterpart that they increase the size of family reunions to benefit 400 to 500 people from both North and South Korea around the Chuseok holiday. Jang Jae-on, North Korea`s top Red Cross official, replied that he would look into it. Until now, the two Koreas have each sent 100 senior citizens to the reunions.
Mr. Suh also handed over a list of journalists who were kidnapped by the North during the Korean War or have been missing since and asked the North to find their whereabouts. Mr. Jang is also reported to have replied affirmatively. Mr. Suh also said that the South Korean Red Cross has decided to offer 10,000 blankets and stationery supplies to North Korean areas hit by floods last year.