Posted June. 26, 2003 21:24,
"If Congress limits the scope of the future investigation to the 15 billion bribe scandal, I will agree to appointment of another independent Counsel," said President Roh Moo-hyun yesterday in response to the introduction of a new bill by the Grand National Party. Under the bill, if passed, another independent counsel shall be appointed to continue the investigation of the secret deal Kim Dae Jung cut with North Korean dictator Kim Jung Il.
Roh made the remarks at a Blue House staff meeting. He also reportedly said, "Congress should accept my proposal. Then, it has to move on. Loads of bills are to be passed this session."
"Mr. President expressed his opinion that we should not waste our time and resources over the issue any longer. That was why he made his opinion public even before any further action is taken," explained Blue House official Moo Jae-in.