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Is Iran the Next Target of the U.S.?

Posted June. 20, 2003 21:48,   


Reuters reported on June 19 that the United States is considering Iran`s nuclear development program as a priority assignment to resolve after Iraq, thus there have been rumors that Iran may be the next target of a U.S. military attack after the war in Iraq.

“The United States will not tolerate the possession of the nuclear weapons by Iran,” warned President George W. Bush on June 18. Reuters conveyed that such warning made publicly for the first time could be a sign of a possible military attack.

Moreover, Reuters added that some hawks within the U.S. are voicing their opinion about partially breaking up Iran`s nuclear establishments.

Quoting from a statements made by high officials in the administration, Reuters conveyed that Israel played a big role in the U.S. prioritizing the Iran issue before North Korea. Israel foresees that there is a strong possibility that they would be the first target in an Iranian nuclear attack. Israel considers Iran to support Hamas, well-known terrorist organization located in Palestine.

Besides the pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear development, the U.S. is pressuring the Iranian government by publicly supporting anti-government demonstrations, which faces its 10th day on June 20. “The U.S. sides with those who are asking for their freedom," President Bush stated on June 19.

The anti-government demonstration which was started by Iranian university students and reformation powers to demand that Iran drop its theocratic policy-making, has continued every day since June 10, thus driving the Hatami administration into a crisis.

The New York Times reported on June 20 that there is an increase in instability within Iran accordingly as tension between the U.S. and Iran elates. “The Bush administration only has to make a choice between whether to attack Iran from outside or to destroy it from the inside,” worried Sadeq Zibakalam, a Tehran University political science professor.

Experts in the Middle East analyzed that the U.S. movement to support the internal instability of Iran is darkening the peaceful negotiation possibilities with Iran over the nuclear issue.

Robert Einhorn, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, foresees that there is less possibility for the Hawks in Iran to engage in any negotiations with the U.S. until the Bush administration stops its supportive perspective for replacement of Iran`s government. “The U.S. is controlling the anti-government demonstrations in Iran in order to widen the gap between the Iranian government and its citizens. It is a clear incident of a rude intervention in internal affairs,” Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, criticized on June 16.

On the other hand, in the major European cities such as Paris, Rome and Berlin, there have been a total of 8 people who made attempts or succeeded in burning themselves to death since June 17 in resistance to the French government`s regulation regarding the stronghold of the "People`s Mujahidin`, an Iranian anti-government organization.

Representatives of the Mujahidin complained that this sudden regulation by the French government despite the past 20 years of free activities in France is due to the French “conforming to the Iranian government`s request to repatriate the leader of the Mujahidin.”

France explained that such action is to prevent this group, which has been classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. and European Union, from taking France as its new stronghold after losing its place in Iraq.
