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Twice Faster Database Management System Locally Developed

Twice Faster Database Management System Locally Developed

Posted June. 17, 2003 21:36,   


Database management system (DBMS), of which speed is twice faster than existing products, has been developed in the nation.

A research team led by Park Dae-yeon, a professor at Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and TMAX Data announced that they have succeeded in developing a much faster DBMS for the first time in Korea. The product called Tibero enables a lot of users to connect with the system.

This system increases the management speed by dividing the existing structure of two steps connecting the users and the server into three steps while reducing the capacity of a necessary hardware. The old system required a larger capacity of hardware if there were a large number of users since it created a new management process each time users connect with the server.

TiBero, however, provides information fast with reduced pressure to the hardware because it has an additional step between the users and the server to collect and classify the information that users need, the research team explained.

“This system is twice faster than its foreign counterparts that we are currently using and the capacity of hardware can be reduced by 30%,” said Prof. Park. “We have been experimenting the stability of the system. When it proves stable, we will be able to save 1 trillion won for the next five years by replacing imported products and exporting this new system,” he added.

Currently, the DBMS market is dominated by such companies as Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft, and is expected to grow to 11.57 trillion won next year.
