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Iraq Fighting “Post-War”

Posted June. 11, 2003 21:51,   


Some 42 American soldiers have died from small gun battles or accidents in Iraq since President George W. Bush announced victory over major battles on May 1. This means that one soldier has died per day.

There have been frequent ambushes of U.S. vehicles and at remote checkpoints in the past two weeks, killing 9 people and injuring 22 people, reported the New York Times.

Regarding this, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on June 9 that some remaining Hussein-supporters may be showing their resistance while Saddam Hussein has not yet been captured.

AFP Network reported him as saying, “The recent attacks on American troops are not like any of those looting incidents that happened right after the war was over.” “A specter of Hussein may be captivating remaining supporters who want to regain the country by encouraging public resistance against American soldiers,” he said. “Many Ba’ath party members and private armies survived the war.”

Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed Chalaby argued at an address in New York that Hussein holds 1.3 billion dollars from Iraqi Central Bank and offers rewards for supporters whenever they kill 1 American soldier. He also argued that Hussein has been spotted in some North Eastern part of Baghdad and Tigris, near his hometown.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Defense Department Joseph Collins said on June 9 that a peace-keeping force consisting of four American and alliance nations` troops may have to reside in Iraq for more than five years. He also stated that the final decision will be made based on the level of violence in Iraq.

He added that 41 nations are considering support for the stricken nation while support troops from several nations will arrive in Iraq by this September.

Ki-Tae Kwon kkt@donga.com