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DJ Undergoes Surgery Because of Problems in Coronary Arteries

DJ Undergoes Surgery Because of Problems in Coronary Arteries

Posted May. 11, 2003 22:16,   


Former President Kim Dae-jung underwent surgery on Saturday afternoon at Yonsei University’s Severance Hospital after he was admitted to the hospital, complaining chest pains.

According to his aides, he was rushed to the hospital around 1:00 p.m. on that day and received an operation to widen his coronary arteries for about one hour.

"The procedure was for a physician to thread a catheter through blood vessels leading to the heart and use a balloon attached to the tip of the catheter to widen coronary arteries that have been narrowed. The former president is recuperating and now he can have meals. He is expected to be discharged from the hospital in the middle of next week after he takes some rest and gets a physical," the aides said.

Back on May 8, the former president got an X-ray test for the stomach at Soonchunhyang University Hospital in Hanamdong, Seoul, because he complained of digestion problems, but the test result reportedly didn’t show any problems.

Just before leaving the nation for a visit to America on Sunday, President Roh Moo-hyun called the former president to wish him complete recovery.

Kim Dae-jung has been remained silent on the moves among some ruling Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) members to create a new party. Regarding this issue, his aides said that although some MDP leaders requested a talk, he politely rejected the request.

Meanwhile, at Severance Hospital where the former president was taken, Choi Kyu-sun, who had been engaged in a bribery scandal involving Kim Da-jung`s third son, Kim Hong-gul, is also being hospitalized for the treatment of glaucoma. When Mr. Choi was admitted to Samsung Medical Center early this year, Mr. Kim`s second son, Kim Hong-up, was staying in an adjoining room.

Yong-Gwan Jung yongari@donga.com