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Truckers` Strike Stops Just before the Worst

Posted May. 09, 2003 21:44,   


The Pohang Truckers` Union cut a deal yesterday with nine transportation companies in the Pohang area. According to the temporary agreement, the fare would be increased by 15%. Therefore, the strike stopped just before spilling into an all-out paralysis of the logistics industry.

Another truckers` union in Kwangyang also cut a deal yesterday, but other unions in Changwon and Dangjun are still negotiating for better terms.

On the other hand, the unions in Busan went on a strike yesterday morning, causing difficulties in transportation in and out of ports in Busan.

Representatives from the two sides started negotiation yesterday morning. The talks halted fourteen times, but finally ended in an agreement. Details of the agreement have not been made public. The two sides, however, reportedly agreed to increase the fare by 15% and streamline the ordering procedure. After ratification by all union members, the details are expected to become public.

Union representatives would not elaborate on the terms and conditions of the agreement, just saying, "All we can tell for now is the consented streamlining of the ordering procedure." On the other hand, the delegates from the transportation companies said, "Those who work for POSCO promised to give them a 15% raise. But the rate may vary from company to company."

In the meanwhile, 1,000 union members in Busan held rallies across the city, demanding for fare raise. Their strike cut the normal operation rate of ports in the Busan area by half. At some ports, the operation rate was only 30-40% of the normal one. Especially, Port Kanman is loaded with containers up to 83% of its capacity, causing a serious congestion in loading and unloading.

buddy@donga.com silent@donga.com