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Entry Barrier to Be Lowered for Truckers

Posted May. 07, 2003 21:49,   


In response to the recent nationwide strike by truckers, the government has decided to submit a bill for lowering barrier for truckers to National Assembly. According to the recent proposal, a trucker, who has only one truck, will be able to register as a business entity for taxation and administration purposes. Currently, a trucker has to have five trucks or more in order to file for registration.

In an emergency cabinet meeting presided by Prime Minister Goh Kun, the government decided to accommodate some of the demands of the truckers.

Cho Young-dong, the head of Government Information Agency, announced, "We will revise the relevant laws as soon as possible. Thus, we will introduce a draft revision to the National Assembly. Once passed through the National Assembly, a person having one truck, not five trucks, can register as a business entity."

Under the current law, which requires five trucks for registration, a single truck owner is not allowed to register. Thus, they have to pay royalty to the licensed business entities to run their business.

The government, however, decided to mobilize the police forces when negotiation should fail to resolve the strike. Furthermore, it will prosecute the core members of the truckers` union.

Dong-Ki Sung esprit@donga.com