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[Editorial] President Roh`s Theories of Partner and Treatment

[Editorial] President Roh`s Theories of Partner and Treatment

Posted May. 02, 2003 22:24,   


Running a nation is a comprehensive task in nature. National governance could not be properly performed by a "partnership" of a handful of people. Therefore, once a person becomes the President, he ought to get rid of all political partnerships he had in the past. On the other hand, the press is not for treating the power inner circle. Evaluation of a President should be not confused with treatment of him. Even considering President Roh`s diction, it is hard to support President Roh`s views on his inner circle members and the press, which were revealed in the TV debate held on Wednesday.

National governance aims to give the biggest happiness to the greatest number of people. In this respect, it differs from pursuing personal goals. President Roh referred to his close men as partners instead colleagues. He is the President and, therefore, the person who has to lead this nation. His definition does not square with his job title and duties. If the concept of partnership should be applied to national operation at all, it should be something that could accommodate all the citizens. Nonetheless, President Roh stretched himself and argued for his brain Ahn Hee-chung, who has been arrested and charged with his involvement in a corruption scandal. There must be SOME reason for it.

President Roh stated, "Ahn worked for me. That is why he is suffering from the hardships now. I believe he has never done anything to satisfy his personal greed." His remarks convey various implications for us to ponder over. Now, we wish the prosecution should understand the core of the scandal.

People need the press for its role of criticizing and advising the government, watching and checking the inner circle of power. Then, how could the President expect the press to give him the red-carpet treatment. The President has indicated his strong wish for reformation of the press. Ironically, he also wishes the press to treat him "decently." It is a silly question to ask: "Time has changed. Then, why should I receive the same treatment?" The President seems to believe in the eye-for-an-eye type of approach against the press. The approach will only end up pushing him more up against the wall. Above all, if that is why he is pushing for reformation of the press, it poses a great danger to our nation. In addition, this is not the "tense relationship between the President and the press," an idea that President Roh himself has stressed over and over.

His stress on partnership and treatment theories indicate his affection for his men and anger against the press. But, in essence, it is all about taking sides. His attitude does not support his contention that he is open to different ideas and constructive criticism. Mutual openness is the best treatment expected between the press and the President.