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NK Insists Nuclear Issue Need to Be Resolved Only By NK and US

NK Insists Nuclear Issue Need to Be Resolved Only By NK and US

Posted April. 28, 2003 21:47,   


The two Koreas engaged in a war of nerves when the 10th cabinet-level talks entered the second day to address bilateral concerns April 28.

South Korea`s chief representative Jeong Se-hyun, Unification Minister, said in the meeting, “North Korea has maintained that it has no intention and capability of building nuclear weapons and North Korea`s nuclear activities are restricted to peaceful purposes such as generating electricity. Therefore, North Korea should fully comply with terms in a joint declaration for making a nuclear-free Korean Peninsular.

Spokesman for South Korean delegates Shin Eon-sang said that the unification minister stressed South Korea cannot tolerate the North`s possession of nuclear weapons and that the North should peacefully resolve the unclear issue immediately.

Considering the gravity of the nuclear issue, the South Korean delegation is planning to urge the North to include negotiated agreements to a joint statement.

North Korea`s Senior Councilor Kim Ryong-song said, “The nuclear issue should be resolved by the North and the US because the issue was caused by US move to isolate North Korea by using its hostile policy. The North`s fundamental position on the issue is to find a peaceful resolution.”

In response to the North`s insistence, Unification Minister Jung refuted, “The South Korean government has a right to call for the North to resolve the nuclear issue as soon as possible because the 1992 South-North denuclearization declaration was signed by the two Koreas.”

The South Korean delegation consulted with the North Korean counterpart on part of proposals that the North had suggested the previous day. Those North Korea`s proposals include holding a ceremony for connecting railways, a groundbreaking ceremony for constructing an industrial complex in Gaesong and a permanent reunion post in Mt. Gemgang, stopping mutual accusations and allowing private ships from the two Koreas to cross bilateral territorial waters. Meanwhile, the South Korean negotiators proposed the North to hold a consultation meeting to solve issues regarding the 7th round separated family reunion, South Korean POWs and abducted South Koreans in the North.