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U.K. Reexamining Diplomatic Ties with N. Korea

Posted April. 27, 2003 22:47,   


Britain is reexamining its diplomatic ties with North Korea and plans to urge North Korean delegates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to observe their international obligations related to nuclear weapons, said the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on April 25.

“Unless the North Korean nuclear issue is resolved, we cannot expect normal relations between the U.K. and North Korea,” said a spokesperson of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office today.

North Korean delegates led by Choi Soo-heon, deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are planning to visit London this week to have talks with Bill Rammell, minister of the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

“We believe maintaining contact and dialogue with North Korea is of the utmost importance and we will try to utilize every chance we get to urge the North to comply with its international obligations,” said the spokesperson.

This will be the 3rd time for North Korean delegates to visit Britain since December, 2001.
